Full Time Neutral - Mediator - Arbitrator
Full Time Neutral - Mediator - Arbitrator
Stephen began his career in construction as a general contractor and professional engineer. This evolved into a design-build A & E and construction firm. His career then shifted to law, where he quickly made partner in a major insurance defense firm in Southern California. He then shifted his practice to a major construction litigation firm where he tried multiple construction jury trials in California and Arizona. Stephen's experience ranges from representing individuals to large corporations in venues including jury trials, arbitration/meditations, administrative law, and negotiations.
In both 2014 and 2018, Stephen's victories earned "Top Ten" status as the largest jury awards in Arizona.
Most recently, Stephen was one of four attorneys who drafted the exam questions for the State Bar of Arizona's newest specialty, Construction Defect Specialist, to be offered for the first time in 2024..
After 20 years with a 4-state, 7 office firm, where Stephen managed the Arizona and New Mexico offices, Stephen now brings this experience to his full time neutral practice.
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